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2017年6月3日 托福口說真題解析

本次托福口說的六道題目包含了 (1) 選擇期末報告的方式 (2) 何時幫助朋友 (3) 取消開放校內花園 (4) 地球工程的應用 (5) 室友弄髒了外套,應如何處理 (6) 企業的內在限制,詳細內容整理如下。


Task 1

Which of the following would you like to do for your final project?

  • giving a presentation

  • writing a paper

  • creating a video

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that we should help our friends only when they ask for help?


Task 3

The students are no longer permitted to visit the school garden.

  • 原因一:For one thing, The garden is for research purpose. Besides, people always pick flowers in the garden.

  • 原因二:Alternatively, students can go to other places not far away from school if they want to enjoy beautiful flower scenery.


  • 原因一:The fact is the students aren’t well informed. Not everyone knows the garden is for research purpose. Instead, researchers can put up a warning sign and students will obey the rule.

  • 原因二:Other parks are far away from the school, and many students don’t have cars to go there. Additionally, transportation choices are limited.

Task 4


  • 定義:Climate engineering, commonly referred to as geoengineering, also known as climate intervention, is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climatic system with the aim of limiting adverse global warming.

  • 例子:We can use a common rock, which is abundant and easy to find, to absorb the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is a totally new method to solve the environmental problem.

  • 補充資料:A mysterious green rock called olivine could be the key to fighting climate change. The unique mineral has a curious property—it’s able to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere—and it could potentially turn the tide in the losing battle against global warming. Olivine is abundant, and there are several researchers already working on ways to put it to good use. The statistics are impressive: one report states that one ton of olivine could remove approximately two-thirds of a ton of CO2.


Task 5

問題:The speaker's roommate painted the wall but accidentally painted the speaker's new coat green, which is the only coat the speaker has for this winter because she has already thrown away the old-fashioned one.


The roommate offered to buy a new one for the speaker.

  • 優點 The roommate can afford it.

  • 缺點 The speaker feels bad to let her roommate pay for a new coat since it’s also kind of her fault not to leave her coat at the right place.


The speaker borrows an old coat from her sister.

  • 優點 Her sister does have one to lend her.

  • 缺點 Her sister's coat is old-fashioned, and she really likes the messed-up one.

Task 6
A business' internal constraints
  • 要點一:Unsuitable equipment
  • 例子一:When a supermarket uses old cashier register, it will take a longer time to do the accounting and some customers will be angry at being kept waiting for such a long time.
  • 要點二:The lack of employee training
  • 例子二:In a supermarket, when a customer asks for the location of an item of goods but the employee shows a wrong direction, the customer will be so annoyed and leave without buying anything.
注意! 一如以往,本次考題資料是 Rachel 老師從網路上考生應考心得文中整理而得,並非 ETS 所公布的官方文字,因此文字與內容均有可能存在錯誤。對於任何疑問歡迎提出討論。
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2017年6月3日 托福寫作真題解析
GRE V148 -> 157 進步9分 感謝經典美語

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