[Mike Lo 老師親授]
每周六晨 09:30 - 12:30
全期16堂 循環課程 隨時均可加入
課堂 |
Part 1 教學進度 |
Part 2 教學進度 |
Class 1 |
- Pronunciation: vowels
/i/ + /ɪ/ /e/ + /ɛ/
- discipline: biology
- grammar: clauses
- listening: what’s the theme
- speaking: preferences
- Pronunciation: vowels
/æ/ + /ɑ/ /ʊ/ + /u/
- discipline: physical science
- grammar: essential adjective clause
- listening: note-taking
- speaking: note-taking
Class 2 |
- Pronunciation: vowels
/æ/ + /ɑ/ /ʊ/ + /u/
- discipline: physical science
- grammar: essential adjective clause
- listening: note-taking
- speaking: note-taking
- Pronunciation: vowels
/ə/ + /ɚ/ /aɪ/ + /aʊ/ + /ɔɪ/
- discipline: psychology
- grammar: non-essential adjective clauses
- listening: causal relationship
- speaking: listing reasons
Class 3 |
- Pronunciation: vowel
/o/ + /ɔ/ /ʌ/ + /ɝ/
- discipline: social science
- grammar: noun clause
- listening: pauses and stresses
- speaking: pauses and stresses
- Pronunciation: vowels
/i/ + /ɪ/ /e/ + /ɛ/
- discipline: biology
- grammar: clauses
- listening: what’s the theme
- speaking: preferences
Class 4 |
- Pronunciation: vowels
/ə/ + /ɚ/ /aɪ/ + /aʊ/ + /ɔɪ/
- discipline: psychology
- grammar: non-essential adjective clauses
- listening: causal relationship
- speaking: listing reasons
- Pronunciation: vowels
/o/ + /ɔ/ /ʌ/ + /ɝ/
- discipline: social science
- grammar: passive voice
- listening: pauses and stresses
- speaking: pauses and stresses
Class 5 |
- Pronunciation: consonants
/p/ + /b/ /t/ + /d/ /k/ + /g/
- discipline: astronomy
- grammar: collocation
- listening: linking sounds
- speaking: linking sounds
- Pronunciation: consonants
/m/ + /n/ + /ŋ/ /l/ + /r/ /j/ + /w/
- discipline: art and music history
- grammar: passive voice
- listening: transitional expression
- speaking: transitional expression
Class 6 |
- Pronunciation: consonants
/f/ + /v/ /θ/ + /ð/ /s/ + /z/
- discipline: history
- grammar: relative clause
- listening: signposts
- speaking: signposting
- Pronunciation: consonants
/ʃ/ + /ʒ/ /h/ /tʃ/ + /dʒ/
- discipline: chemistry and biochemistry
- grammar: gerunds & infinitives
- listening: rhetorical questions & structure
- speaking: structure your speech
Class 7 |
- Pronunciation: consonants
/ʃ/ + /ʒ/ /h/ /tʃ/ + /dʒ/
- discipline: chemistry and biochemistry
- grammar: gerunds & infinitives
- listening: rhetorical questions & structure
- speaking: structure your speech
- Pronunciation: consonants
/p/ + /b/ /t/ + /d/ /k/ + /g/
- discipline: astronomy
- grammar: collocation
- listening: linking sounds
- speaking: linking sounds
Class 8 |
- Pronunciation: consonants
/m/ + /n/ + /ŋ/ /l/ + /r/ /j/ + /w/
- discipline: art and music history
- grammar: passive voice
- listening: transitional expression
- speaking: transitional expression
- Pronunciation: consonants
/f/ + /v/ /θ/ + /ð/ /s/ + /z/
- discipline: history
- grammar: relative clause
- listening: signposts
- speaking: signposting
- 發音方面
- 舉凡在英語發音方式、發音規則、連音、消音方面有困難無法突破的考生。
- 主題方面
- 對於托福、雅思考試的聽力、口說主題不熟悉以至於無法聽懂或無法回答的考生
- 題型方面
- 對於托福、雅思考試聽力或口說的各種題型無法掌握,以至於不知如何如何作答的考生。
- 成績方面
- 參加過多次托福、雅思考試但是聽力口說分數遲遲無法有效突破的考生。
- 自編講義
- 《聽力口說實力養成班》依照托福、雅思全真考題為取材來源,配合發音、聽力規則編寫最有效率的學習材料。
- 有聲教材
- 配合上課內容,授課老師會在課堂上撥放全真考題以及輔助之錄音教材以提升學習效果。
- 定價
- 19,200 元
- 特價
- 16,000 元,並享有以下優惠
- 團報優惠:三人(含)團報,每人優惠 500 元
組合優惠:同時報名 GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, SAT/ACT 任一課程者,優惠 500 元
Mike Lo 老師親授
無法參加現場課程,亦可報名 VOD 或雲端班,自由選擇上課時間